
Solutions journalism story tracker
Solutions journalism story tracker

Through the tool, you can access featured stories about current events, search for coverage by issue, strategy, SDG, and more, and even access tools for educators. One of our favorite parts of the event is near the end, where David demonstrates Solutions Journalism’s groundbreaking tool to connect you to solutions stories about responses to the world’s challenges from all over the web: SolutionsU. Wouldn’t you feel a bit more hopeful and maybe empowered, while still informed about the issues of today? But instead of an endless stream of information about the world’s issues, you open the newspaper (or your web browser) to stories covering fascinating and encouraging solutions that address some of the day’s most urgent issues – and ways you can join to create change. Imagine, for a moment, waking up each morning, making your coffee, and then settling in to read the news. This trailblazing work in our current climate of polarization could not be more timely or critical for engaged citizenship. It was a dynamic and encouraging discussion about how journalism might be transformed to focus not just on today’s most pressing issues, but also on possible solutions – and solutionaries.

solutions journalism story tracker


For World Savvy’s second installment of the Changemakers Series on September 22, 2021, CEO Dana Mortenson sat down with award-winning New York Times journalist, author, and Solutions Journalism co-founder David Bornstein.

Solutions journalism story tracker