On July 22 of this year a White man from Seattle was arrested in Buffalo, NY for threatening to kill Black people at a Tops Friendly Markets store in Buffalo. Hate becomes so insidious that it overcomes rationality in some people. Cameron told me that the power of hate is that it kills you from the inside. Two days shy of the 82nd anniversary of the Marion lynching is when a White Supremacist shattered the peace in Oak Creek. The 92nd anniversary of the Marion lynching just passed. In April I went to Marion and visited the cemetery where Abe and Tommy were buried in unmarked graves. The iconic image of the lynching led to the song Strange Fruit, immortalized by Billy Holiday. His two friends, Abe Smith and Tommy Shipp were murdered by that mob. James Cameron, founder of America’s Black Holocaust Museum, survived a lynching at the hands of 10,000 to 15,000 hate filled Whites in Marion, Indiana on Augwhen he was only 16-years-old. Mass shootings related to hatred of specific groups is what frightens me the most. However, mass shootings get the most attention. We live in a country where murders happen on a more regular basis than anywhere else on the planet. The shooting that year would be the precursor that warned us of the possibility of many other hate related murders to come. But he knew the people that came that early in the morning were not able to speak English or advocate for themselves.” – Pardeep Kaleka

“The exit door for him to leave the gurdwara was literally 5 feet away. He spoke to NBC Asian America about what happened. My friend Pardeep Kaleka, lost his father, Satwant Singh Kaleka, 65, the founder of the gurdwara in the shooting.
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The murderer in Oak Creek was ignorant enough to believe the Sikh temple was full of Muslims. One of the people injured in the shooting, Baba Punjab Singh, who was shot in the head and left paralyzed, died in March 2020 as result of complications from the shooting. The first responding police officer, Lieutenant Brian Murphy, was shot fifteen times and miraculously survived. Those killed by the gunman ranged from age 39 to 84.

He eventually turned his legally purchased 9mm semi-automatic pistol on himself when confronted by police. On a peaceful Sunday in early August 2012 at a Sikh gurdwara in Oak Creek, Wisconsin a 40-year-old man full of hate for “Muslims” killed six and injured another 4 people. Thoughts of hate leading to violence reemerged on the tenth anniversary of a tragedy that touched metro Milwaukee. Those thoughts of being in danger have become more active lately after the murderous rampage in Buffalo back in May when 10 innocent people shopping or working lost their lives simply because they were Black.